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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George

Dragon Slippers is a book that anyone of any age would enjoy. The author is Jessica Day George. The main character is named Creel and her aunt gives her away to a dragon. Creel bargains her way out with pair of shoes and makes her way to King's Seat where she gets a job at Derda's Dress Shop. There Creel meets Larkin, Marta, Alle and Derda. Creel also meets Prince Miles who is getting married to Amalia Princess of Roulani and Prince Luka. While she's shopping at the market Creel bumps into Amalia who demands Creel's shoes. After a few days Larkin turns on Creel and trades her shoes for an ugly grey dress. Creel soon discovers that her slippers aren't just slippers, their Dragons Slippers that control every dragon in the WORLD!!! It turns out Amalia was a spy for the Roulani. King's Seat turns into a battlefield as the Roulani and the people of King's Seat declare war. I'll leave the end for you guys to figure out! See ya !!!:D


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