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Friday, 22 July 2011

My space adventure

I was sitting in my room reading a book. Suddenly something strange was outside my house. It was a rocket ship. I went outside and I saw aliens coming. Then the aliens got me and took me to the rocket ship. When I came to the rocket ship I saw many aliens. Each had a weird clothes on, some wore a T-shirt that look like a short. Then three seconds later the rocket ship took us to an weird planet where the sky was purple and the ground was blue. We went out of the rocket ship when a gigantic alien came up to us and let us to a castle. Alien had a green hair, turquoise eyes. The alien also had triangle shaped head it looked so big that it looked like a giant. His expression was funny like a clown. The alien was wearing clown's costume. It was holding a magic wand. 
When we went to the castle there were water everywhere. There were amphibians in the castle too. Then in one second all the aliens disappeared even the castle. All that was left was a lily pad and thousands of big boulders. Then weather became hot. I was wondering even more that why are thing going wrong around here. I thought I'd go back to Earth and end my adventure so I decided that I should go back to Earth. But just as I moved one foot to take a step the castle and aliens all appeared again. They started chasing me I ran and ran. I was too fast for them. So I took one of the rocket ship and slammed the door before the aliens could come in. "Phew!" I said as I started the rocket ship and BOOM I was home in five seconds. Home Sweet Home!:)

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